Insights From 27 Years as an Executive Business Coach - Why Executives Seek Coaching

As CEO of the Resilience Group, my work and my passion are focused on empowering good leaders to become extraordinary leaders.

Far from resting on their laurels and admiring the view from the top, dedicated and professional executives from all types of business and industry recognise that the current climate of economic uncertainty, increasing global competition, and seemingly Orwellian new and potential technology all contribute to daily challenges and the need for ever-increasing innovation and resilience.

Regardless of the size of your business or organisation, its annual turnover, or whether you supply good or services, an executive business coach can partner with you to address issues that are personally challenging, or to determine ways to achieve personal growth, develop new skills, and foster greater staff satisfaction and engagement.

Although each leader and each business is unique, I find that there are a lot of similar concerns and issues that are relevant to anyone involved in leadership, supervision, and management. I have come up with my personal ‘top 10 tips’ to give you an insight into how executive business coaching can be of benefit in a practical way and can help you develop your own tools and strategies for a proactive approach to continuous improvement of your personal and professional skills.

Based on my extensive 27 years of experience, here are the top 10 reasons that an executive will seek coaching.

1. Yes, the view is good, but ….

…. it can be lonely at the top! It can make it difficult to converse with other colleagues and staff on anything other than narrow and focused topics, and there can also be questions around personal and professional boundaries with personnel who are not part of the management hierarchy. An executive business coach understands the issues that accompany an executive role and can provide a sounding board and some workable ideas to address these issues.

2. From dream to reality

A lot of my interaction with clients involves helping them take their plans and ideas from the drawing board to the company board! Discussing the potential, risk, cost, and possible roadblocks to implementing brilliant ideas and strategies provides a clear focus and a realistic timeline for successful implementation.

3. There’s no ‘I’ in team

We all like to think of ourselves as ‘team players’ but in reality disparate personalities and views can cause internal strife in even the strongest of teams. An executive business coach can provide insights into individual character traits and inter-team dynamics.

4. Break it to me gently

When you are often the one giving feedback and constructive criticism, it can be difficult to appraise your own performance. An executive business coach can provide mentoring and on point feedback that is objective and unbiased.

5. Ringing in the changes

While executive level professionals are expected to live and breathe change management, the reality is often different. Even when change is anticipated and welcomed, any transition brings with it new challenges to master. Having a sounding board and an objective professional to discuss things with can make any transition easier.

6. Could do better!.

Sometimes being a high achiever means that you actually achieve all your current goals. This can provide a feeling of anticlimax, and a loss of motivation. Talking to a professional can help you realise new goals and areas of focus, leading to innovation and a renewed sense of purpose – either within the professional or personal sphere.

7. Is that it?

High achievers tend to be driven and good at success, but they don't always create the success they really want. If you've ever wondered, "Is this all there is?", or "How did I get myself into this and how do I get out?", you could really benefit from working with a great coach. Everybody has a few blind spots. In fact, neuroscientists say we are unconscious of 95% of what goes on in our brains. Think about that! A good coach can see you as you are, without judgment, and help you be your best and achieve what you're built to do.

8. The meaning of life

Although a challenge to philosophers for centuries, it’s generally acknowledged that ‘doing what you love and loving what you do’ goes a long way to providing satisfaction and meaning to life. Finding new ways to direct your energy and passion in a professional setting is one of the benefits of business coaching.

9. Taking care of business – and yourself

While we all know theoretically that we need to take a holistic approach to health to perform at our best at work, the challenges and stresses of an executive role can all too easily take their toll. Having ‘been there, done that,’ I (and my experienced colleagues) can provide practical tips for relaxation, changing focus, and setting boundaries.

10. Invest in the best – you!

With the right coach in your corner, you can accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and continue leading and managing to the best of your ability. Engaging an executive business coach is an excellent investment in realising your full potential to maximise your personal and business achievements.

We’d love to hear from you - what do you think are the most important of these 10?

Contact Cheryl for an obligation free chat!